Vol. 20 (2024)

The role of makerspace in academic libraries transformation

Deise Lourenço de Jesus
Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Brasília
Murilo Bastos da Cunha
Universidade de Brasília

Published 2024-07-28


  • Academic library,
  • makerspace,
  • library trends

How to Cite

Lourenço de Jesus, D., & Cunha, M. B. da. (2024). The role of makerspace in academic libraries transformation. Revista Brasileira De Biblioteconomia E Documentação, 20, 1–25. Retrieved from https://rbbd.febab.org.br/rbbd/article/view/1991


Introduction: the research addresses the role of technological innovations in the library evolution process, focusing on the use of makerspaces in academic libraries. Objective: to identify whether the inclusion of the makerspace in the physical spaces of libraries represents a permanent change in the conception of the university library. Methodology: using the survey method, questionnaires were sent to university libraries listed in the main university rankings. Data analysis: libraries that have makerspaces are mainly located in developed countries. The focus of makerspaces in academic library is focused on technical-scientific disciplines and the main tools available are 3D printers, electronic equipment, circuits and programming. The majority of financial resources come mainly from the libraries themselves. Access to the makerspace is free in the vast majority of spaces. There was no resistance from users to introduce makerspaces into the physical space. Most respondents consider it a permanent trend in libraries, and believe that the makerspace can improve students' academic performance. Regarding increasing student engagement, the respondents' opinion is predominantly neutral. Conclusion: it is concluded that makerspaces do have great potential in becoming a permanent trend in university libraries. At the same time that the potential was evidenced by the responses, more studies are needed so that the space has a purpose and conditions to maintain itself.


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