Vol. 20 (2024)
Melhores Trabalhos GT6 ENANCIB 2022/2023

READING ROOMS IN SCHOOLS:: librarian praxis and socioeducational actions in Cachoeiro de Itapemirim/ES

Lais Lupim Santos Gomes
Gleice Pereira

Published 2024-08-12


  • reading room,
  • socioeducationalfFunction,
  • Librarian praxis

How to Cite

Lupim Santos Gomes, L., & Pereira, G. (2024). READING ROOMS IN SCHOOLS:: librarian praxis and socioeducational actions in Cachoeiro de Itapemirim/ES. Revista Brasileira De Biblioteconomia E Documentação, 20, 1–21. Retrieved from https://rbbd.febab.org.br/rbbd/article/view/2058


The present study constitutes an ongoing research report on the socio-educational function of reading rooms belonging to the Municipal Education Network of Cachoeiro de Itapemirim, in the state of Espírito Santo. This work aims to investigate how the application of librarian praxis can significantly contribute to the enhancement of these educational environments. To achieve this objective, we will adopt the Case Study method to analyze the data obtained, thus characterizing the research as applied. This methodological approach allows for a deeper understanding of the current situation, providing valuable insights for subsequent analysis and the proposition of strategies for the development of these spaces as centers for learning and socio-educational growth. The preliminary results of this study present a diagnostic analysis of the current condition of the reading rooms in municipal schools, using data collected both through the city's transparency portal and through information obtained from the education department. Additionally, the research has allowed us to understand how the reading room can be integrated into schools through a solid project, as well as librarian praxis as a differential for the development of these spaces.


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