Quality dimensions in evaluates the users satisfaction of the library of the Regional Labor Court of Paraíba
Published 2014-07-22
- Evaluation. Satisfaction. Satisfaction users. Library Sociologist Odilon Ribeiro Coutinho.
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Evaluates the users satisfaction of library Sociologist Odilon Ribeiro Coutinho's Regional Labor Court 13th Region Paraíba second quality dimensions: Features/Specifications, Performance, Compliance; Image; Customer Service. The research is exploratore and descriptive and uses of quantitative and qualitative approaches to explore as an instrument of data collection the questionnaire. To organize and analyze data using inferences percentage and technique of categorization. Characterizes the profile of users and assesses the level of satisfaction with these products and services of the library Sociologist Odilon Ribeiro Coutinho. Presents as a result that the dimensions Compliance and Customer Service are those with the highest percentage of satisfaction by users. Concludes that the library should be aware of the dimensions that show dissatisfaction in order to change this scenario, paying attention also to maintain the satisfaction of the positive dimensions. Improving the quality of products and services offered by the library, it is recommended to carry out programs of education / training internal and external users. The library perform the dissemination and promotion of its products and services through marketing and use of your homepage as a channel for effective interaction with users.