Vol. 16 (2020)

Didactic sequence in the formation of readers: a proposal for the mediation of literary reading in libraries

Patrícia Vargas Alencar
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - UNIRIO
Isabela Maria Arantes
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - UNIRIO
Lilian Cristina da Silva Ramos Casimiro
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - UNIRIO
Marcia da Silva
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - UNIRIO

Published 2020-05-29


  • Literary reading. Reading mediation. Mediation of literary reading. Training readers. Following teaching.

How to Cite

Alencar, P. V., Arantes, I. M., Casimiro, L. C. da S. R., & Silva, M. da. (2020). Didactic sequence in the formation of readers: a proposal for the mediation of literary reading in libraries. Revista Brasileira De Biblioteconomia E Documentação, 16, 1–17. Retrieved from https://rbbd.febab.org.br/rbbd/article/view/1322


This article presents the didactic sequence as a proposal to be adopted by mediators in literary education. To this end, it focuses on the role of the mediator in the formation of the reader. It is a qualitative bibliographic research. It brings evidence that the systematization of strategies for the mediation of reading, through the didactic sequence, favors the interest in reading literary genres by readers, effectively contributing to their reading training. It joins works that have already highlighted the importance of planning actions for literary education, contributing to the discussion of initiatives that help reader training in the library.