The article is about the importance of placing libraries on the agenda of governments and decisionmaking bodies at different levels. It also discusses the roles libraries have for influencing decisions at the regional and national levels. At the national level, there is a better chance to place libraries on the agenda when libraries are linked to specific information society topics. The World Summit on the
Information Society (WSIS) process explained that access to information and knowledge is an important component of a truly inclusive Information Society and that libraries can play an important role in this process. Advocacy for libraries at the local level is the daily task for many library directors
at local government level, at university level or inside an institution. There are often different University governing officials and bodies; and other boards, councils and authorities which have to be convinced of the importance and abilities of libraries, to help in achieving their own success.
Focussing on the role libraries can play for the successful evaluation of a university can be an excellent way to place the library on the agenda. Another important element in placing libraries on the agenda in our society is the librarian himself. But one thing is certain: the higher the professional level of a librarian, the better the advocacy work can be done. It is also important to create pictures in the hearts of our politicians and administrators so that they can support funding of libraries.