Vol. 13 (2017): N. Especial - Competência Informacional e Midiática
Experiências Relacionadas à MIL

Media and Information Literacy in the teaching of library science: a brief report of experience

Marianna Zattar
Docente do Curso de Biblioteconomia e Gestão de Unidades de Informação (CBG) na Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Mestre e Doutoranda em Ciência da Informação no Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia (IBICT) em convênio com a Escola de Comunicação da UFRJ.

Published 2017-01-29


  • Information Literacy. Media Literacy. Serendipity. Filter

How to Cite

Zattar, M. (2017). Media and Information Literacy in the teaching of library science: a brief report of experience. Revista Brasileira De Biblioteconomia E Documentação, 13, 272–279. Retrieved from https://rbbd.febab.org.br/rbbd/article/view/664


This study presents a brief report of the experience in the teaching of competence in information in the undergraduate degree in Library Science. It contextualizes and defines media literacy and information. It deals with the search and retrieval of information sources and related notions of serendipity and filters for critical use of information. It indicates examples of activities developed by the Curso de Biblioteconomia e Gestão de Unidades de Informação at the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro to promote media and information literacy related to students in Library Science. It ends by considering the importance of critical, dynamic, flexible and contextualized participation in the search and retrieval of information sources