Vol. 20 (2024)
Melhores Trabalhos do SNBU 2023

Sources of information, Internet and new challenges with Artificial Intelligence

Bruna Beatriz de Moura Vieira
Estácio de Sá
Ketry Gorete Farias dos Passos

Published 2024-08-10


  • Artificial Intelligence,
  • Evaluation of Information Sources on the Internet,
  • Copyright,
  • Ethical Use of AI Tools,
  • Algorithmic Literacy

How to Cite

de Moura Vieira, B. B., & Passos, K. G. F. dos. (2024). Sources of information, Internet and new challenges with Artificial Intelligence. Revista Brasileira De Biblioteconomia E Documentação, 20, 1–15. Retrieved from https://rbbd.febab.org.br/rbbd/article/view/2054


Artificial intelligence (AI) tools bring new challenges and opportunities, making it increasingly essential to assess the quality of information available on the internet. In this context, librarians play a crucial role, guiding the evaluation of information sources and teaching algorithmic literacy skills. Additionally, users should be aware of copyright issues on the internet. As a result, it is recommended to follow best practices when using AI tools to ensure recognition and appreciation of content creators. It is concluded that respecting copyright is fundamental to promoting ethical and responsible use of technology. Thus, we can fully leverage the benefits of AI while maintaining the integrity and reliability of information.


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