Vol. 20 (2024)

The revitalization of the Library of the Barra-Cordense Academy of Letters: House of Maranhão Sobrinho

Luiz Felipe Sousa Curvo
UFRGS/Doutorando em Antropologia Social
Maria Luíza Lucas dos Santos
UFRGS/Doutoranda em Educação

Published 2024-01-18


  • Public policies for document and museum collections in Maranhão,
  • University extension,
  • Heritage education,
  • Maranhão Sobrinho (1879-1915)

How to Cite

Curvo, L. F. S., & Santos, M. L. L. dos. (2024). The revitalization of the Library of the Barra-Cordense Academy of Letters: House of Maranhão Sobrinho. Revista Brasileira De Biblioteconomia E Documentação, 20, 1–17. Retrieved from https://rbbd.febab.org.br/rbbd/article/view/1976


The Library of  Barra-Cordense Academy of Letters (ABCL), an institution whose patron is the local symbolist poet Maranhão Sobrinho, is currently the main reference center in the history and culture of Maranhão and Barra do Corda in the city. As the ABCL Library is an information and research place with a varied collection of bibliographic materials and documents, it was necessary to overcome some shortcomings in its physical structure and the lack of specialized personnel. Using the experience report as a methodology, the main objective of this work is to present the revitalization project of the ABCL Library, which involved an extension project by the Federal Institute of Maranhão (IFMA) and the participation of the Research Foundation for the Scientific and Technological Development of Maranhão (Fapema). Between 2016 and 2019, with the help of students paid by IFMA and Fapema, and under the guidance of volunteer librarians, the inventory and technical processing of the collection were carried out, along with the cleaning of the collection items. Through funding promoted by Fapema, it was possible to expand the collection of bibliographic materials, purchase furniture, computer equipment, air conditioning and office supplies. Finally, a biographical research on Maranhão Sobrinho was carried out in Manaus, an initiative that resulted in the creation of a memorial in honor of the poet, and heritage education actions in the community.


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