Published 2024-05-11
- Audiobooks,
- Recovery,
- Representation,
- Platforms
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The audiobook corresponds to oral information recorded in audio using the voice of a human narrator or artificially generated. With the evolution of information and communication technologies, the supports for audiobooks also changed and a new trend emerged in relation to audiobooks that were demanded by readers in search of another access option, integrating reading with the execution of other activities. In this context, this research sought to investigate which are the most accessed audiobook platforms in Brazil and the behavior of readers in relation to their adherence, access and use. For this purpose, an exploratory research was carried out, using an online form, sent to groups of reading clubs between April and May 2023. The results obtained had a national reach and pointed to the platforms most used today. With regard to the representation and retrieval of information on the platform, the main functionalities used by the participants were identified, in addition to the indication of positive points and points to be improved. It is concluded that the study made it possible to investigate the current scenario of audiobooks in the country and how it has been outlined with access on platforms. As future studies, it is intended to investigate in detail methods and techniques of organization and representation for this type of service and propose improvements in the field of information science.
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