Vol. 19 (2023): Jubileu de ouro

WorldCat presentation and analysis: user interface

Rosangela Galdino
Juliana Galdino
Ana Carolina Simionato Arakaki
Roniberto Morato do Amaral

Published 2023-09-07


  • WorldCat,
  • Catalog,
  • Library

How to Cite

Galdino, R., Galdino, J., Arakaki, A. C. S., & Amaral, R. M. do. (2023). WorldCat presentation and analysis: user interface . Revista Brasileira De Biblioteconomia E Documentação, 19, 1–22. Retrieved from https://rbbd.febab.org.br/rbbd/article/view/1959


Information and Communication Technologies have brought several changes, including the profile of library users and the way they carry out their research. Current users have access to a colossal amount of information at the distance of a touch on the screen. Thus, their needs and expectations can no longer be met by library catalogues. In this context, WorldCat emerges as an alternative for library collections to be exposed on the Web and to be discovered more easily by its users. With a simple, friendly and intuitive interface, WorldCat allows the user to search, retrieve and access quality information in several interconnected data sources. Thus, the general objective of the research was to present and analyze the new WorldCat user interface and its functionalities. The research is classified as bibliographical-descriptive with a qualitative approach. In addition, the research is classified as documental, since documents and information from the Online Computer Library Center website were used. As a result, the main features of WorldCat.org were analyzed, showing some of its limitations. It is concluded, despite the limitations, that WorldCat is the best catalog today, since it offers access to quality information in several interconnected data sources and provides the user with an experience closer to their expectations, and to the reality of a world increasingly connected to the Web.


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