A descrição bibliográfica de livros raros e especiais e as diretrizes consagradas internacionalmente
Published 2023-12-19
- Descrição bibliográfica,
- Livros raros,
- International Standard Bibliographic Description
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With the core of the bibliographic description and guidelines established internationally, this article summarizes the current model of technical processing in the Library of Rare Works of the School of Fine Arts of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (EBAOR). It is a reflection on the importance of the specialized and thorough work of the librarian of rare and special works, which provides its users with more effective catalogs for the search and retrieval of information. The objective is to contribute to the optimization of the practices of the description of rare and special books, according to the needs of EBAOR and other libraries that safeguard memory collections. The article seeks to understand the specific norms and specialized literature to achieve an ideal format, or close, of bibliographic description of these collections, highlighting their peculiar characteristics. For the development of the article, a combination of descriptive and explanatory analyses was used. It was carried out a survey and documentary selection, covering the norms of cataloging of rare and ancient books recommended and based on official sources, such as the site of the Brazilian Federation of Associations of Librarians, Information Scientists and Institutions (FEBAB) and International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA).
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