Published 2019-12-24
- Institutional repositores,
- Universities,
- Webometrics,
- World University Rankings
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Copyright (c) 2019 Nadia Ficht, Andreia Del Conte de Paiva, Rosane Suely Àlvares Lunardelli, Paula Regina Ventura Gonçalez

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
The study in question highlights the current situation of Institutional Repositories, within the fiveteen best Brazilian universities by Webometrics - Ranking web of Universities (edition January 2018) and CWUR Wordl Universitary Rankings (2018-2019). It presents the best universities ranked by the rankings, through an online search, in addition to describing the characteristics necessary for their presence. As a study object the presence or not of Institutional Repositories in the IES sites, as well as the identification / classification of these, based on the premises of the Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology - IBICT. The methodology was composed by an exploratory research that presents and investigates HEIs and their repositories. As a result it was possible to observe the Universities that contain the tool, either in the format indicated by the IBICT, or those defined by the institution itself in this way are evident the similar characteristics existing in the IR of the Brazilian Universities.