Vol. 15 No. 2 (2019)

Biblioteca escolar na rede: das páginas da internet ao marketing educacional

Everton da Silva Camillo
Universidade Estadual Paulista - UNESP/Marília
Beatriz Rosa Pinheiro dos Santos
Universidade Estadual Paulista - UNESP/Marília
Selma Letícia Capinzaiki Ottonicar
Universidade Estadual Paulista - UNESP/Marília

Published 2019-05-08


  • School library,
  • Marketing,
  • Digital content,
  • Private education,
  • Private school

How to Cite

Camillo, E. da S., Santos, B. R. P. dos, & Ottonicar, S. L. C. (2019). Biblioteca escolar na rede: das páginas da internet ao marketing educacional. Revista Brasileira De Biblioteconomia E Documentação, 15(2), 290–314. Retrieved from https://rbbd.febab.org.br/rbbd/article/view/1212


The school library can be related to digital and educational marketing if the intention is, in addition to others, to promote it as a space and, at the same time, as an element of revolution in the teaching-learning process, since it carries out positive literacy, in which the subject develops the taste for reading, as well as in the scope of offering subsidies to develop students' critical sense about the world in which they live, about their rights, as well as their place in society, as beings as citizens. Thus, this study aims to verifying the representation of school libraries in the electronic pages of private schools in the city of Ribeirão Preto, representations of textual content and, as in some cases, imagery. For that, an exploratory and qualitative study was carried out, as well as critical thinking technique was used to analyze the data. As a result, it has been found that: a) schools link the image of their library primarily with physical and information resources, b) there is a vague discourse by schools about the potential uses and importance of the school library, c) the library professional is not involved in digital content for the teaching-learning process in the school library, d) the few images arranged on a few electronic pages often do not correspond to the emphasized textual approach, and e) the assumption of the study was confirmed.