Vol. 15 No. 1 (2019)

The holistic knowledge management: adherence analysis of the Farías, Mercado and Gonzáles (2016) model

Fábio Corrêa
Universidade FUMEC
Fabrício Ziviani
Universidade FUMEC e UEMG
Eric de Paula Ferreira
Universidade FUMEC
Renata de Souza França
Universidade FUMEC
Jurema Suely de Araujo Nery Ribeiro
Universidade FUMEC

Published 2019-01-02


  • Knowledge management,
  • Holistic paradigm,
  • Holistic Knowledge Management,
  • Farías,
  • Mercado and Gonzáles,
  • Content analysis
  • ...More

How to Cite

Corrêa, F., Ziviani, F., Ferreira, E. de P., França, R. de S., & Ribeiro, J. S. de A. N. (2019). The holistic knowledge management: adherence analysis of the Farías, Mercado and Gonzáles (2016) model. Revista Brasileira De Biblioteconomia E Documentação, 15(1), 247–264. Retrieved from https://rbbd.febab.org.br/rbbd/article/view/1198


Knowledge Management demands models that are oriented by the holistic paradigm, emerging the perspective of holistic Knowledge Management. Based on this theory, this research aims to analyze the adherence of the model of Farías, Mercado and Gonzáles (2016) to holistic Knowledge Management. Through the methodological procedures of Content Analysis, together with the qualitative and quantitative approaches, the examination of the model is performed. As a result, the model of Farías, Mercado and Gonzáles (2016), proposed for the context of Higher Education Institutions, partially adheres to holistic Knowledge Management, revealing the need for new structures that address this form of management. The research contributes to highlight that the gap of Knowledge Management models, oriented to the holistic paradigm, is still present and because it indicates a way to examine such structures in front of this paradigm. Thus, in order to evaluate how knowledge management has been oriented to the holistic paradigm, analyzing other models of Knowledge Management, following the procedures covered in this research, is a suggestion of future research.