Vol. 15 No. 1 (2019)

The importance of cordel literature as preservation of northeastern culture: a study in the Zila Mamede Central Library

Vagner Ivan de Alencar Gomes
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
Solange Gomes Toscano de Oliveira
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
Eduardo Neves Rocha de Brito
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte

Published 2019-01-02


  • Literatura de Cordel,
  • Preservação Documental,
  • Biblioteca Central Zila Mamede - BCZM,
  • Cultura Nordestina,
  • Biblioteca universitária.

How to Cite

Gomes, V. I. de A., Oliveira, S. G. T. de, & Brito, E. N. R. de. (2019). The importance of cordel literature as preservation of northeastern culture: a study in the Zila Mamede Central Library. Revista Brasileira De Biblioteconomia E Documentação, 15(1), 133–147. Retrieved from https://rbbd.febab.org.br/rbbd/article/view/1148


It approaches the subject of research to Cordel Literature.In general, it aims to present the Cordel Collection of Literature present in the collection of the Central Library Zila Mamede, and its importance for the preservation of the Northeastern culture.It exposes, as methodological procedures, the exploratory, bibliographical research and the accomplishment of an on-site visit for the visualization of the collection and data collection.It results in a brief presentation and description of the Cordel Literature Collection and its relevance to Northeastern culture.Elenca some points of the importance of Cordel Literature, for the preservation of the Northeastern culture are: Historical; Patrimonial; Social; To the people; Popular culture; Northeastern Culture; Authors Cordelistas; Religiosity and learning.It concludes that the Cordel Literature Collection of the Central Library Zila Mamede, is relevant for the preservation of the Northeastern culture, in several aspects, for portraying the day to day of the people, the historical context of a place, religiosity and the process creators of cordelist writers through their characters, thus contributing to the preservation of culture.